JROTC prepares high school students for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens.
Nathan Hale High School JROTC
6960 E. 21st Street
Room 125
General Information
Course Number: 7711/12; 7721/22; 7731/32; 7741/42; 7831/2; 7841/2
Course Title: Junior Reserve Officer's Training Corps (JROTC)
LET 1/2/3/4; JROTC Leadership 3/4
Purpose: Prepares high school students for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens. The program is a stimulus for promoting graduation from high school and it provides instruction and rewarding opportunities, which will benefit the student, the community, and the nation.
Prerequisites: Completion of Leadership Education and Training (LET) 1 before enrollment in LET 2; completion of LET 2 before enrollment in LET 3; completion of LET 3 before enrollment in LET 4; completion of LET 2 before enrollment in Leadership. All
enrollments require instructor approval.
Scope: The JROTC program is a cooperative effort on the part of the Army and the Tulsa Public School System to provide secondary school students opportunities for total development. Control of the curriculum is the prerogative of the Nathan Hale High School administration. There is built-in flexibility to fulfill the needs of professional educators and the community. The course is designed around a maximum of 108 core hours per year and 72 optional hours per year. Any subject within the course can be reduced and optional hours substituted in an amount not to exceed 25 percent to best meet school and district goals. The course make up is designed to allow for an elective and PE credit.
Course Length: 177 hours
Materials: All uniforms and textbooks will be provided without cost to the students. These materials must be returned in serviceable condition at the end of the school year. Students failing to return property must pay the replacement cost shown at page 7. A student not returning materials will have a hold card placed on their school records (prevents participation in major school activities, prevents the issuance of end of year report cards and transcripts). Students must maintain a leadership notebook/portfolio (hardback-1” for LET 1; 2” for LET 2-4) with alphabet-tabbed dividers. Students must bring paper and pencil every day.
This class will focus primarily on developing leadership and citizenship skills. The premise will be that the primary goal of a leadership class is to produce more leaders, not more followers. Leadership will be defined as: the process of influencing others to accomplish a mission using purpose, direction, and motivation. The established mission of JROTC is: To motivate young people to be better citizens. To accomplish this mission the curriculum has a diverse and aggressive curriculum. The broad curriculum will include the following areas:
(1) Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of U.S. citizenship and the freedoms of stated in the Bill of Rights.
(2) The history and purpose of the Army JROTC program.
(3) The traditions, customs and courtesies of the U.S. military and our country in general. To support this goal a military ball will be organized each year which will address customs, courtesies, etiquette, etc. A guest speaker will participate in the ball and all students are required to attend.
(4) Demonstrate respect for the U.S. Flag and the National Anthem.
(5) Describe the importance of developing career goals and time management. Emphasize the preparation necessary for taking the ASVAB, and meeting with career counselors.
(6) Display an understanding of the communication skills; demonstrate the ability to think logically and to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
(7) Display leadership potential and the ability to live and work cooperatively with others through the effective understanding and application of the leadership traits, principles, styles and values.
(8) Develop an appreciation for the importance of physical fitness in maintaining good health and appearance. Perform satisfactorily, at age group level, in the Cadet Challenge events.
(9) Weekly demonstrate hands-on roles of drill participants, the leadership skills of drill leaders and proficiency in executing individual/unit drill.
(10) Demonstrate proficiency in basic first aid skills.
(11) Display knowledge of substance abuse awareness and prevention.
(12) Demonstrate proficiency in basic map (geography) reading skills.
(13) Describe the importance of citizenship through American Military History as it relates to America's culture and future.
(14) Demonstrate knowledge of the values and principles that underlie good citizenship.
(15) Demonstrate an understanding of the history, purpose, mission and organizational structure of the military services.
(16) Introduce and describe the application (resumes, presentations, career research, etc.) of technological advancements such as computers.
(17) Introduce students to marksmanship fundamentals, highlighting safety factors, and general handling and use.
(18) Optional instruction to supplement class goals includes: test-taking techniques, memory techniques, teamwork/lea- dership activities, home buying, financial management, etc.
(19) Preparation and participation in community and compete-tive events(Leadership).
(20) Value and make the Life Skills/JROTC Creed characteristic objectives.
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment in the Junior ROTC Program requires that certain conditions be met, as in any other type of program, and in accordance with Army Regulations that govern the program. A student formally enrolled in the Junior ROTC Program must be:
1. A citizen of the United States.
2. At least 14 years of age.
3. Physically able to participate in the physical education program of the school and JROTC regulations/guidelines.
4. Acceptable to the institution as a regularly enrolled student of the ninth, tenth, eleventh, or twelfth grade.
5. Qualified morally. A student who has a record of conviction by a civil court is not eligible for enrollment in the JROTC Program unless a waiver is granted. In regard to physical fitness, a "Statement of Health" is required to be on file in the JROTC Department. This statement has been prepared for your signature on the reverse side of the clothing and equipment record, which will be taken home by the cadet shortly after school begins.
1. Tests/Quizzes/Exams 30 points (%): All evaluations are given points based on importance and degree of difficulty. Make-up tests and assignments must be coordinated immediately with their instructor after returning from an absence. Make-up work/tests will not be given during regular class time. This type work must be scheduled before or after school, lunch, or during the instructor’s planning period. All make-up work must be accomplished within one week of returning from an absence. Failure to complete make-up tests and assignments will result in a grade of zero. This grade is final. Notebooks will be graded as tests. Tests results are averaged, converted to a percentage and multiplied by 30 (i.e. test scores are 75, 100, 98. Average score = 91. Points for tests = .91 x 30 = 27.3).
Reward for good attendance: As an incentive to the student for punctuality and to improve attendance, the student will have the option to be exempted from taking the semester exam under the following condition.
A student may take the semester test to attempt to improve his/her semester grade even if he/she falls under the above conditions. Students are not eligible for exemption unless enrolled for the full semester. Students who have been suspended, and have missed uniform days are not eligible for exemption. All absences are considered absences with the exception of school activities. Suspensions, college visitations, doctor’s statements, and administrative approved absences will still count as an absence when figuring absences for exemption.
2. Uniform 40 points (%): This grade is evaluated on all uniform days and events where the uniform is required. The evaluated items include:
Uniform (Cleaned/Pressed Shoes/Black Socks,
Tie/Tab/Name Tag, Hat/Beret,
Shined Brass, Uniform Fit, Gigline/Hem, Haircut/Shave/Hair Up, General Knowledge.
The possible score is 150. Cadets will receive a uniform grade of zero when they fail to wear the uniform. Cadets can make up excused misses (instructor approved or attendance office verified) at 100%. Unexcused absentees (i.e. in cleaners, forgot the day, stayed over night at a friend, etc.) cannot be made-up. All Make-ups must be made up on the Thursday immediately following the missed uniform day or a zero will be given for that uniform day. Uniform results are averaged, converted to a percentage and multiplied by 40. The result is the uniform grade (i.e., scores are 150, 150, 105. Average score = 90. Points for uniforms = .90 x 40 = 36). Note: Failure of a student to consistently wear the uniform during the semester will cause him/her to fail the class.
3. Class Assignments 20 points (%): The stated mission of JROTC is "To motivate young people to be better citizens". In order to accomplish this mission, heavy emphasis is placed on participation in community service activities (i.e. blood drives, charity functions, community parades, etc.). In order to receive a maximum score of 20, a student must participate in: (1) at least six community activities during the school year two of the six must be designated parades (The Veterans Parade and Superintendent’s Review are mandatory); (2) all students are also required to participate in the annual military ball that is held in April or May; (3) and the school's flag detail (raising or lowering flag a minimum of five times per semester). Failure to show up for flag detail without approval of the SAI or AI will result in the lost of points. Any unexcused flag detail misses must be made up in addition to the five required. Students are required to maintain a current assignment sheet. This sheet must be used by the student to keep current with their assignment scheduled and completed. These sheets (20% of total semester grade) must be turned in with final semester tests for grading and awarding points. The sheet must be available every day and is subject to unannounced checks. Sheets will also be subject to turn-in with regular test on those occasions it will grade as 20& of the test grade (missed assignments (community services, flag details, etc.) will cause points to be deducted. An Example grade is 15.
4. Class physical training 10 points (%): Physical fitness training is scheduled every Friday. Students are required to participate in all scheduled activities. Students are also required to wear the appropriate uniform (tee shirt, shorts or jogging pants (no jeans, pants with loops or protruding pockets, and athletic shoes (no sandals, flip flops, etc.). Each student starts the semester with 10 points. Failing to participate (wearing proper clothes and being involved in activities) will cause a loss of points for each occurrence (i.e. failure to participate in two Physical Training days would result in the loss of -2.0 Points. Points = 10-2 = 8.0.
5. Conduct (Bonus/Penalty points): Good conduct is expected of all Cadets at all times. This grade is determined by Cadet's conduct in class, in other classes, and in public. Proper courtesy to teachers, administrators, and senior ranking cadets, staying alert in classes, following instructions, and tactfulness are critical factors in determining this grade. Cadets exhibiting exceptional conduct will be awarded bonus (merit) points, which will be added to the other grading categories. Cadets exhibiting poor conduct will be awarded penalty (demerit) points, which will deduct points from the total points accumulated in the other grading categories. Four merits/demerits will represent 1 regular point reflected in the other grading categories. Extra points earned or lost (merits/demerits) cannot exceed 3% of the total grade. (I.e. 12 demerits divided by four represents a loss of 3 grade points).
Example Course Grade With Merits:
Tests 27.3
Uniform 36.0
Assignments 15.0
Physical Training 8.0
Conduct (12 Merits) 3.0
Total 89.3
Example Course Grade With Demerits:
Tests 27.3
Uniform 36.0
Assignments 15.0
Participation 8.0
Conduct (12 Demerits) (3.0)
Total 83.3
Example Course Grade Without Merits or Demerits:
Tests 27.3
Uniform 36.0
Assignments 15.0
Participation 8.0
Conduct (0 Merits/Demerits (0.0)
Total 86.3
NOTE: In accordance with school policy, students with more than 9 absentees (excused and unexcused) will receive NO CREDIT (NC).
SCHOOL YEAR: DATE ____________
My (son/daughter)____________________ has my approval to participate in all JROTC activities of Nathan Hale High School; the agreement is effective until revoked in writing by the undersigned, the SAI, and/or the school principal.
I understand that the U.S. Army/school authorities assume no responsibility for accidents incurred by members of the JROTC except to render such first aid treatment as is necessary and to take the injured student to his/her home or to such a place as may be advisable.
I agree to be financially responsible to the Board of Education for such articles of clothing and equipment issued to the JROTC (See Back Page), as are not returned in good condition, fair wear and tear excepted, at the end of the school year or upon his /her separation from JROTC, or upon demand of school authorities.
To the best of my knowledge, my son/daughter named above is in good health and able to participate in all JROTC activities: ____yes ____no
with the following restrictions or medical problems:
Parents and students are assured that all student records are protected under the provision of Public Law 93-38, “Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974”. In connection with the participation of my son/daughter named above in the Army JROTC program, I hereby authorize the release of any and all records maintained by the JROTC Department and the the host institution which are related to the JROTC program to authorized Department of Defense personnel. Records will only be released or reviewed for audit purposes at the host institution. I waive any requirement that I be furnished a copy of these records prior to or concurrent with this release. Parental authorization is required for release of any records to any other institutions for other than the above stated purpose. This consent is effective for the period of time my student is associated with the Army JROTC program.
Student is 18 years of age or more YES_____NO_____
----------------------------------------- --------------------------------
Name of Parent/Guardian Name of Student
-------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
Signature of Parent/Guardian Signature of Student
JROTC uniforms, equipment, and text used by cadets in JROTC are the property of the U.S. government loaned under bond to the Board of Education. All items issued to cadets must be returned or paid for. There are procedures to recoup any debt by placing a lien for the funds with the Internal Revenue Service. This is a last resort.
Students must maintain uniforms by dry cleaning (coat and trousers) and laundering (shirt). At no time will uniforms be stored in personal wall lockers. Uniforms can be damaged if stored improperly. The student will also polish the shoes (Kiwi polish recommended) and the brass insignia (Brasso recommended). The uniform is required to be worn every Tuesday. The only make-up for not wearing the uniform is for an excused absence or prearranged absence with the instructor. Not wearing the uniform or an unexcused absence will result in a zero for that day’s inspection grade. We do not require a buzz haircut for males, but expect that the hair be out of their eyes and neatly trimmed and off the collar. The hairstyles for the females must no allow the hair to extend below the bottom edge of the collar. French braids, buns, twists are acceptable methods to keep the hair off the collar. Females may wear one pair of stud type earrings with the dress uniform. Please encourage your students to look sharp.
Uniform By Item Cost
Belt, Trousers 1.75
Buckle, Brass 1.85
Cap, Garrison 5.70
Coat, All Weather (Trench Coat 82.25
Coat, Men’s (Green) 102.40
Necktie 3.80
Shirt, SS 11.05
Shoes 30.20
Socks, Dress 1.80
Trousers, Men’s 35.65
Cap, Garrison 5.70
Coat, All Weather (Trench Coat) 86.05
Coat, Women’s (Green) 94.00
Neck tab 4.80
Shirt, SS 11.65
Shoes 31.25
Slacks, Women 36.65
Belt, Black 1.75
Boots, Combat 65.85
Buckle, Black .65
Cap, Camouflage 6.15
Coat, Camouflage 25.35
Socks, Black, 2.10
Trousers, Camouflage 28.60
Undershirt, Brown 3.70
NOTE: Return pages 6-7 to the instructor within five (5) days of receipt.